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Clever Trickster


  • 🧮 Efficiency – Most of us spent their youth playing strategy and management games, leaving us with deep but useful scars. We always aim to achieve maximum results with minimal resources, without losing our vision.

  • ⚖️ Equality – We foster an environment where everyone is treated equally and fairly, fostering support and collaboration among us. Our workplace is respectful, inclusive and focused on professional attitude and solidarity.

  • 🔄 Continuous improvement – Every day, we seek to learn and improve and deliver more value to our players without overcomplicating processes, but with evolving tools and skills.

  • 🖖 Be like Spock – We make decisions rationally and thoughtfully, prioritizing logic. Yet, we remember that Spock is half-human, so we trust our gut feeling when necessary.
  • 🧩 Autonomy and accountability – Each team member is responsible for their work quality and accountable for the project’s success. We’re like puzzle pieces: unique, but essential for the big picture.

  • 🤝 Solidarity and support – We encourage collaboration and knowledge sharing. Team members support each other and seek help when needed, ensuring mutual growth and problem-solving.

  • 🎉 Fun – We believe in enjoying the journey and fostering a passion for our work. While challenges exist, the overall experience should be fulfilling and enjoyable. If not, let’s talk!


Ludovic Mahieu


🧩 Ludovic Mahieu
The Visionary Gamer

From founding his first company at the age of 22 to managing Hellion Cat Studio at 31, Ludovic is a seasoned entrepreneur and game developer. With a background in HR and Management, Ludovic has not only led diverse teams but has also created board games through successful crowdfunding campaigns. His passion for games extends to coaching, making him an ideal mentor for aspiring game developers.



🫶 Virginie Maréchal
The Human Touch

Known as « Vichou », Virginie brings a wealth of experience as a business coach and trainer. Her expertise lies in helping entrepreneurs structure and fund their projects while fostering creative solutions. With a background in management and a flair for music, Virginie is a versatile mentor dedicated to your project.


Do you want to join our wonderful team for an internship or a job? Don’t hesitate to send your resume, portfolio, and a brief introduction of your background, motivations, what you like about management and strategic games, your hobbies and your favorite Belgian beers (or not ^^) to

© 2024 Clever Trickster Studio SRL – All rights reserved
Chaussée de Liège 624 – 5100 Jambes (Belgium)

VAT/Registered company number: BE0798 242 593
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